Integrated Payroll Management
Our Payroll Services
Full Service Payroll
Our Full Service Payroll allows clients to simply report payroll and pass out checks. That is the end of your payroll duties! With our Full Service Option we provide:
Paychecks or direct deposit stubs with each payroll
Privacy envelopes for distribution of paychecks or direct deposit stubs
Comprehensive payroll reports each payroll
An easy to complete payroll worksheet for the next payroll
General ledger reporting
Garnishment calculations
Paid time off accrual
Administration of tax payments and reporting for your weekly, quarterly, and annual taxes
All quarterly and year end reporting Year end W-2s
Correspondence with government agencies on your behalf if necessary
Online Payroll
Online payroll gives our clients the option to submit and view payroll from any location. Employees can also log on to view and print their past pay history. We want to save you time and money and Online Payroll is a great way to do that. With online payroll you can:
Have 24 hour access to all of your payroll information from any location
Add/change employee set-up information
View and print payroll reports
View and print employee pay stubs
And IPS continues to manage:
General ledger reporting
Garnishment calculations
Paid time off accrual
Administration of tax payments and reporting for your weekly, quarterly, and annual taxes
All quarterly and year end reporting Year end W-2s
Correspondence with government agencies on your behalf if necessary
Direct Deposit or Pay Card :
With our direct deposit or pay card options, you can save significant costs for both your company as well as your employee. For your company, you can eliminate all current paycheck costs, including reconciliation, fraud, enchantments, etc. You will gain productivity, as employees do not have to go anywhere to cash or deposit their paychecks on payday.
Timekeeping & Labor Solutions
A simple, automated timekeeping and job costing solution. Minimize human error, calculate data in seconds, and cut down on wasted labor time with our Timekeeping Services. Reduce your cost of labor one pay period at a time.
Reduce human calculation errors
Eliminate manual time card preparation
Decrease wasted labor minutes
Stop employee time theft
Save time and money